Barthes, Roland

A lover?s discourse fragments - Hill and Wang 1978


The necessity 1

How this book is constructed 3

To be engulfed 10

Absence 13

Adorable 18

Affirmation 22

Alteration 25

Anxiety 29

Annulment 31

Askesis 33

Atropos 34

Waiting 37

To hide 41

Pigeonholed 45

Heart 52

Fulfillment 54

Compassion 57

To understand 59

Behavior 62

Connivance 65

Contacts 67

contingencies 69

Body 71

Declaration 73

Dedication 75

Demons 80

Dependency 82

Expenditure 84

Dis reality 87

Drama 93

Flayed 95

To write 97

Errantry 101

Embrace 104

Exile 106

Irksome 110

Fade-out 112

Faults 117

Festivity 119

Mad 120

Embarrassment 122

Gradiva 124

Habiliment 127

Identification 129

Image 132

Unknowable 134

Outcomes 142

Jealousy 144

I-love-you 147

Languor 155

Letter 157

Laquela 160

Magic 163

Monstrous 165

Silence 167

Clouds 169

Night 171

Objects 173

Obscene 175

Crying 180

Gossip 183

Why 186

Ravishment 188

Regretted 195

Encounter 197

Reverberation 200

Waking 203

Scene 204

Alone 210

Signs 214

Remembrance 216

Suicide 218

Thus 220

Tenderness 224

Union 226

Truth 229

Will to possess 232


French language--Terms and phrases. Love--Terminology.

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